
Reaching up



Striving for balance, I think that’s what each of us, all of us are striving for, though most of what we imagine in “balance” is out of our control (as it should be).



I/we are so weak. So many of us want to “live forever” in this realm of flesh and bone. Embracing this weakness, knowing we have a limited time, having death over our shoulder always… Allowing this feeling to permeate, seep and become humility, grace, love.


10.17.24 (Photo Diary)

Thoughts are few this week


10.9.2024 (“Sound”)

I finished reading the book of Morton Feldman’s writings, ‘Give My Regards to Eighth Street” which was, for the most part, very enjoyable. There was one point that stood out to me, that applies to my own practice: I have engaged in this myself. For example: my album Ad Hocc explained the process quite explicitly …



Cameron from Sun Araw just sent me a photo of his Deep Tapes collection (my record label from 2008-2011-ish). It was wild to see some of these titles and to reflect on everything I’ve worked on since 2007-2008. Found a few Sun Araw videos that, I believe, touched the place we were trying to touch …



The back pain continues to get worse, but the limitation is breeding more contentment in my life (no reason necessary). I find my work making a transition since moving to our 2nd house in Merida. I am constantly looking at water and stone, both alive and changing in their own ways. There’s a feeling that …



Upper back pain has been holding me back recently, but I think that might be a good thing. First off, all of our experience as humans is completely absurd. Being the eye of the absolute, so to speak, has its amazing transcendent, pleasurable sensations and its downright horrible, painful sensations and they are not “felt” …



I guess I had a bit of a revelation today. So many of the problems I have seem to be linked to me being “serious”, neglecting my inner child. I feel that it’s true at some level. This art thing can’t be “art” for me. It is a career and it isn’t. It’s just something …



Went wild with oil pastels today. It felt so good. I love oil pastels because they make me feel like a kid again. Just creating shapes, coloring things in. I try to close my eyes when I’m drawing like this. I finished a 2 meter tall painting and took some big strides on 3 100cm …



I have this contemplative element or phase and I have an action oriented element or phase to my work right now. It’s invigorating because it allows two distinct aspects of my self to emerge and express themselves in the pictures. The contemplative phase is first. It consists of meticulous color selection (even going out to …